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Ski Patrolling is demanding. Blue Mountain Ski Patrol (BMSP) is a member of the National Ski Patrol (NSP) and serve as ambassadors for Blue Mountain Ski Resort.

The Patrol functions as a team. The ability to undertake the duty assigned ensures that we are successful in serving the skiing public. Skills over and above First Aid and Skiing are diplomacy, people skills, and team work.

Patrolling can be fun and very rewarding knowing you have assisted with a guest misfortune. Sometimes we are appreciated, other times we are not. We enforce the skier’s code of conduct and Ski Area safety protocols. Diplomacy needs to prevail when safe snow sports policies are implemented.


Being a Ski Patroller is a challenge never knowing situations we will find ourselves in. The training is very comprehensive, and continues annually with refresher course, practice sessions and annual recertifications.

The first year of patrolling is a candidate year, starts in June, and the attendance requirement is one night a week 7:30-10:00 p.m. working on the First Aid Training, theoretical and practical skills. There willbe homework and self-study. BMSP uses the Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) manual produced by the NSP. The OEC manual is equivalent to an EMT course, with an emphasis on Outdoor Emergency Care. Ski Patrollers respond to take care of an injured customer and efficiently get them safely into theEmergency Care System. Conditions can be adverse; therefore, we train in those conditions. Prior to the season candidates must pass a written examination. Classes are also held outside so a candidate gets ‘first hand’ experience and practice in snow and night conditions. A practical test involves simulatedaccidents. Candidates must pass both a written and practical examination to become a patroller. The passing level for the test is very strict, it has to be.

After the OEC test, training for Ski and Toboggan Skills begin. The skiing is to sharpen basic skills needed to handle toboggans, followed by ‘hands on’ toboggan training. When the candidate passes the Ski & Toboggan (S&T) test, they become a Basic Patroller. A candidate needs to pass the S&T training within two years.